Prayer Vigil
Prayer Vigil
Join Us for a Prayer Vigil New Year’s Eve into New Year’s Day
December 31, 2021- January 1, 2022 (January 1 - January 2 in
Start times are listed
by Pacific Standard Time. Please
translate your time zone carefully - they are listed in the Detail part of each session!
Status: Active;
Times: Various times; no fixed schedule;
This group supports each other as they explore issues of eco-anxiety. In many ways, eco-anxiety should be considered a normal initial reaction to the climate crisis, given the consequence if not brought properly addressed. But is shouldn't remain someone's reaction, and the group will explore ways to move onto healthier stances.
Times: Various times; no fixed schedule;
This group supports each other as they explore issues of eco-anxiety. In many ways, eco-anxiety should be considered a normal initial reaction to the climate crisis, given the consequence if not brought properly addressed. But is shouldn't remain someone's reaction, and the group will explore ways to move onto healthier stances.
(Laurie Gordon, Bend OR)
5am HST; 8am MST; 9am CST; 10am EST; 3pm London; 2am Sydney;
A time for sharing contemplative silence at the close of the old year. Three 15 minute "sits" will be interspersed with 5 minutes of walking and stretching; bring your own practice (breath prayer, centering prayer, examen … ) for all or part of the hour. Bring a candle to light.
5am HST; 8am MST; 9am CST; 10am EST; 3pm London; 2am Sydney;
A time for sharing contemplative silence at the close of the old year. Three 15 minute "sits" will be interspersed with 5 minutes of walking and stretching; bring your own practice (breath prayer, centering prayer, examen … ) for all or part of the hour. Bring a candle to light.
(PJ Lents, Bend OR)
6am HST; 9am MST; 10am CST; 11am EST; 4pm London; 3am Sydney;
Please bring drawing paper and crayons, pencils, and/or markers – also yarn or string. You'll be making a book ... after listening to three stories. Children are welcome to join PJ for both story times (see above); the stories and activities will be different!
6am HST; 9am MST; 10am CST; 11am EST; 4pm London; 3am Sydney;
Please bring drawing paper and crayons, pencils, and/or markers – also yarn or string. You'll be making a book ... after listening to three stories. Children are welcome to join PJ for both story times (see above); the stories and activities will be different!
B.Y.O.P. (Bring Your Own Favorite Nature Poems and Inspiration for Climate Action)
7am HST; 10am MST; 11am CST; 12noon EST; 5pm London; 4am Sydney;
Calling all readers of poetry, collectors of inspirational quotes and lovers of nature. Bring your favorite nature poems and prose reflections that inspire you to "acts of practical reverence" in service to this beautiful Earth that is the Kin-dom of God. We will spend the hour simply listening together to wisdom that stirs our hearts through our shared readings.
7am HST; 10am MST; 11am CST; 12noon EST; 5pm London; 4am Sydney;
Calling all readers of poetry, collectors of inspirational quotes and lovers of nature. Bring your favorite nature poems and prose reflections that inspire you to "acts of practical reverence" in service to this beautiful Earth that is the Kin-dom of God. We will spend the hour simply listening together to wisdom that stirs our hearts through our shared readings.
(Marie Skoor, Susan Oxley and Linda Stanbridge)
8am HST; 11am MST; 12noon CST; 1pm EST; 6pm London; 5am Sydney;
Come gaze upon the beauty of nature and the wonder of our rich, biologically diverse and sacred creation with Marie Skoor's photographs of landscapes, flowers, and animals. Linda Stanbridge shares her joy of birds and intimacy with nature in her special place in the world. Music and readings weave through and around rich imagery in this celebration of all creatures.
8am HST; 11am MST; 12noon CST; 1pm EST; 6pm London; 5am Sydney;
Come gaze upon the beauty of nature and the wonder of our rich, biologically diverse and sacred creation with Marie Skoor's photographs of landscapes, flowers, and animals. Linda Stanbridge shares her joy of birds and intimacy with nature in her special place in the world. Music and readings weave through and around rich imagery in this celebration of all creatures.
(Climate Justice Team with Apostle Art Smith)
9am HST; 12noon MST; 1pm CST; 2pm EST; 7pm London; 6am (Jan 2) Sydney;
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo.
“So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
For our closing worship we will be joined by Apostle Art Smith, listen together to each others’ responses to the question "How shall I be of service to the Earth in the coming year?" and close the prayer vigil – but not our hearts! – with the sharing of blessings.
9am HST; 12noon MST; 1pm CST; 2pm EST; 7pm London; 6am (Jan 2) Sydney;
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo.
“So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
For our closing worship we will be joined by Apostle Art Smith, listen together to each others’ responses to the question "How shall I be of service to the Earth in the coming year?" and close the prayer vigil – but not our hearts! – with the sharing of blessings.
* These sessions are repeated more than once.