Archive / Videos
Archive / Videos
If you missed an online session, check out our archives below, or visit our YouTube Channel. As well, this page also contains important supplemental videos, such as the talk by President Veazey on the importance of the issue of climate change. For convenience, we start with the most recent video; following that they are listed by Date.
June 13, 2021: Systemic Solutions: Transforming to a Circular Economy, Lugano Kapembwa
Sept. 19, 2021: Systemic Solutions: Consumerism !
Oct. 17, 2021: Systemic Solutions: Climate Policies 101
Nov. 14, 2021: Systemic Solutions: Communities Making a Difference
Dec. 31, 2021 - Jan. 1, 2022: Prayer Vigil
Jan. 09, 2022: Systemic Solutions: Glasgow and Climate Policies 201 October 16, 2022: Deep Gladness Meets Climate Action
December 3, 2023: Advent, Climate and Non-Violent Action: Igniting Fire in our Bones
January 7, 2024: Taking the Next Step Together: Support Groups for Climate Action
January 28, 2024: The Next Step Together: Time to Join a Climate Support Group
February 25, 2024: Grassroots Organizing for a Sustainable Water Future
March 17, 2024: Permaculture: Design for Living
April 7, 2024: Migration and Displacement in a Changing Climate
May 5, 2024: Live Simply - So Others May Simply Live
June 9, 2024:Defending Forests - A Spectrum of Strategies
Additional Topics and Perspectives
This section contains additional topics and perspectives - sometimes eclectic - not always covered in the main sessions. This section is included because: (a) climate change is such an all-encompassing issue that the main sessions cannot adequately cover all subject matter; and (b) we believe in Diversity and thus this section allows a broader set of perspectives which should enable a resonance with a wider audience.
[If the video directly below is not what you want, the remaining archived videos are listed further below, by Date, starting with the earliest ones].
- Description: As we enter the summer camping season, consider the vital role healthy forests play in human well-being. Our forest ecosystems face extreme challenges from human activities, and forests are essential for the flourishing of the planet and all her creatures!
John Buckley shares both where we contributed to the problems of the increasing number and intensity of forest fires, and some strategies to best reduce these growing threats to the vitality of our ecosystems. This will include the wisdom of Indigenous ways of forest management, as well as the deep and broad insight's John has gained over the decades as Executive Director, Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center, and his former 13 years with the US Forest Services, including his role as one of the elite “Hotshot” forest firefighters. - Response to Question RE: Forest Certifications (FSI vs. FSC): John has provided the following link comparing the 2 major US certification labels. Please use the Contact Form if you have further questions, and we will pass them to John: Comparing two Forest Certifications
Phase 1: The Sacredness of Creation (Sessions during the summer and fall of 2020)
Session 1: Nature as Refuge and Solace, Especially During This Time of Pandemic (video to come)
Session 3: Holy Attention to Awaken the Heart
Session 4: Envision Hope, Build Bridges to the Future
Climate Change Meditations on Genesis
{These brief meditations from Sessions 1 to 4, remind us of our place within all Creation.
Revisit these whenever you feel the desire to reconnect or re-anchor
your sense of Creation and your place within it!}
Phase 2: From Crises to Transformation: The Science and Implications of Climate Change
Nov. 15, 2020: The Basic Science of Climate Change, Dr. Richard Gammon
- Description: Princeton- and Harvard-educated Dr. Gammon, kicks off this part of our series with the basic science on Climate Change, its dire consequences, and hopeful rays to move forward. Dr. Gammon was the co-author of the very first IPCC report (carbon cycle) in 1990. He had previously worked as NOAA's Program Chief for carbon dioxide.
- Nov. 19: Discussion Group on Dr. Gammon Presentation
- Podcast: 349: Introduction To The Series
- Podcast: 352: The Basic Science and Implications, Dr. Richard Gammon
- Description: Dr. Gammon returns to discuss personal and governmental responses to the climate crisis, and the injustices involved.
- Jan. 24: Discussion Group on Mitigating Climate Change, and Dialogue with Steve Veazey
Feb. 14, 2021: Panel: Engaging the Faith Community
June 13, 2021: Systemic Solutions: Transforming to a Circular Economy, Lugano Kapembwa
- June 27: Discussion Group on: Systemic Solutions: Transforming to a Circular Economy
- Podcast: 457: Transforming to a Circular Economy
Sept. 19, 2021: Systemic Solutions: Consumerism !
- Full clip: Christian Skoorsmith
- Full clip: Brody Sargeant
- Sept. 26: Discussion Group on Systemic Solutions: Consumerism
Oct. 17, 2021: Systemic Solutions: Climate Policies 101
- Oct. 17: PDF of Slides of Climate 101 Session
- Oct. 24: Discussion Group on Climate Policies 101
- Podcast: {See January 9, 2022, below}
Nov. 14, 2021: Systemic Solutions: Communities Making a Difference
- Full Clip: Congregation Landscape for Drought-Tolerance, CA, Aaron Richards
- Full Clip: Campground Landscape, Lawns, and Butterflies, MI, Linda Stanbridge
- Full Clip: Congregation Green Team Projects; Water & Political Pressure, MI, Sarah Allen
- Full Clip: Campground Energy Audit and Eco. Projects, Samish Is., WA, John VandenWalker
- Full Clip: Congregation Energy Efficiency; Partnering; and Rain Garden, MI, Dan Nowiski
- Full Clip: Plant-based Lifestyle, ON, Canada, Jim & Janet Poirier
- Clip: Congregation Getting Started; Food Hedge; Beyond Church, ON, Canada, Joan Thompson
- Clip: Congregations and Solar Panels, MI, Dan Nowiski
- Clip: Being Leaven in Community Groups, MI, Sarah Allen
- Clip: Congregation: Nature Club Every Second Sunday, FL, Mike Barnett
- Clip: Congregation: Pollinator Garden, BC, Canada, Rod Downing
- Template for Pollinator and Other Gardens (PDF) (Editable .DOCX)
Dec. 31, 2021 - Jan. 1, 2022: Prayer Vigil
- To view the schedule and descriptions of each session, go to Prayer Vigil Schedule;
- Videos coming soon;
Jan. 09, 2022: Systemic Solutions: Glasgow and Climate Policies 201
- Jan 23, 2022: Discussion Group for: Glasgow and Climate Policies 201
- Podcast: 504: Climate Policies 101, 201 and COP26, Glasgow
- Templates to Write Authorities about Divestment
- Templates to Write your Representatives about Methane Reduction (See Oct. 16 session)
- Document of Matrix of a wide variety of Possible Actions to Take (PDF)
- September 25, 2022: Climate Crises and Sacred Spaces: Our Campgrounds? Part 2
- Chats From September 25
- Description: Dr. Mark I. Wallace explores questions about the spiritual & physical relationships between us (human creatures), God (the Living Spirit in all things), and all creatures and Creation. Drawing on his Indigenous sensitivities, biblical scholarship, and work as a Christian eco-theologian, Dr. Wallace shares his experiences & thoughts on “Christian animism” and ways that we, too, might experience the re-enchantment of the world.
- Download (PDF): Chats, a Poem and Further Comments
- Description: Dr. David Anderson, with his academic background in international policy, his personal military experience, and his knowledge of NATO, brings a global aspect to this issue, not just a USA perspective. In many countries, it isn’t just the military but the entire foreign affairs/defense policy establishments that are aware of climate crises and engaging in the preparations to deal with the resulting instability. David explores the ways climate intersects with and amplifies the global threats in today’s world.
- Attributions from video [PDF}: In Their Welfare Sources & Attributions
- Chats: Chats
- Description: Due to the enthusiastic reception to his March 26 presentation, Dr. David Anderson returns to take a deeper dive into this subject, centered on the questions "What now?" and "So what?". See March 26 Description for fuller information on content and Dr. Anderson's background.
- Book and Article Referrals from David, and from Chats: Resource List
- Chats: Chats
October 1, 2023: Climate Emergency! (Now What?)
- Description: This exciting session - from the church's top leadership - comes after Community of Christ overwhelmingly voted to declare a Climate Emergency at the April 2023 World Conference! But it must be more than a single act.
Presiding Bishop Ron Harmon, along with one of his Counselors, Bishop Carla Long, share their views on what has already been done; they outline some of the actions they intend to take; as well as possibilities at other church levels. Bishop Harmon makes a sharp distinction between simple eco. concerns versus a true Climate Emergency. This session is sobering, motivating and hopeful if the full church appropriately responds, including participating ecumenically with others who see the seriousness of the Climate Crisis. This is a highly worthy session and could not be more timely! - Initial Reflections from First Presidency: First Presidency Reflections
- Actual Resolution on Climate Emergency: WRC1325: Resolution on The Climate Emergency
- Chats: Chats_Oct_1.txt
- Description: This session continues the implications of declaring a "Climate Emergency" that was started in our October session, where Presiding Bishop Ron Harmon and Counselor Carla Long started outlining actions the church is or will be taking.
In November's session, Sarah Paulos, of Interfaith Power and Light, shares a wide variety of programs they have developed, and have been used by churches across the U.S. That is followed by a discussion both on those examples as well as what our churches are doing or intend to do. Thus this session becomes a rich starting point for considering practical steps in reducing our carbon footprint, whether a church or as individuals.
- Description: We continue this exciting Fall series of declaring a Climate Emergency by examining the Biblical roots of non-violent direct action. Many people are not comfortable doing this type of action. Theologian Rachie Ross and Mike Mullins will explore its honored place in bringing about change, using examples in the Hebrew Scriptures and New Testament, allowing us to see how it fits with our Christian principles of peace.
- Description: The purpose of this session (& Jan. 28) is explicitly to allow the participants the chance to organize "Support Groups" around a variety of topics. Near the start of this session, the major topics are presented including possible sub-topics within them. We know that in general people commit more readily and maintain it better, if done in a supportive group environment. People can come & go and come back; they can switch groups; and so on. And topics can be repeated.
If you are currently interested in being part of a group, select the Contact tab & let us know your interests.
January 28, 2024: The Next Step Together: Time to Join a Climate Support Group
- Description: This session marks an exciting new phase in our Climate Series - the creation of Support Groups! We are social creatures and thus joining a support group will hopefully enhance action. While the main Climate Series will continue, the support groups will cover whatever topics people are interested in exploring and taking action on. People can come & go and come back; they can switch groups; and so on. And topics can be repeated.
If you are currently interested in being part of a group, select the "Resources" Tab to see the list of current Support Groups, then use the Form to submit your choice.
February 25, 2024: Grassroots Organizing for a Sustainable Water Future
- Description: Dani Lindawood briefly goes over the importance of water and then explores how to effectively organize at the grassroots level to protect water from its various harms. Her sharing comes from her years of experience of creating or help organize such groups, such as Girls Gone Wild, or Wellington Water Watchers, where they succeeded in fighting a quarry proposal and halting the establishment of a glass plant. She is recipient of the River Network Development Support award.
March 17, 2024: Permaculture: Design for Living
- Description: Permaculture (from the words ‘permanent’ – think sustainable – ‘agriculture’) is a design system that utilizes natural patterns and rhythms to create self-sustaining ecosystems. This can be done on any scale, from a small garden to large-scale farms. Kelda Lorax (Oregon State U. Permaculture program, & a member of the Permaculture Women's Guild) will go through the nature and process of permaculture, eventually using an actual church campground (starts at about 58 minute mark) – Samish Island, WA – as an example.
April 7, 2024: Migration and Displacement in a Changing Climate
- Description: Dr. McLeman, a. world-class climate scientist on migration who co-authored the 2022 IPCC Report, provided the latest trends and forecasts on how climate is already impacting the movement of people, both within a country (even the US) and across borders, and what the future holds. He ended with actions we can take to help address this dynamic.
May 5, 2024: Live Simply - So Others May Simply Live
- Description: Dr. Ruth Valerio explores the notion and benefits of 'simplicity'. In our frenzied world that is full of consumerist voices, obligations, concerns about living standards, prices, care for aging parents or ensuring children get the activities they need - let alone a world whose footprint continues to badly damage the earth's carrying capacity - Dr. Valerio's session is a highly valued topic to be absorbed.
- Description: As we enter the summer camping season, consider the vital role healthy forests play in human well-being. Our forest ecosystems face extreme challenges from human activities, and forests are essential for the flourishing of the planet and all her creatures!
John Buckley shares both where we contributed to the problems of the increasing number and intensity of forest fires, and some strategies to best reduce these growing threats to the vitality of our ecosystems. This will include the wisdom of Indigenous ways of forest management, as well as the deep and broad insight's John has gained over the decades as Executive Director, Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center, and his former 13 years with the US Forest Services, including his role as one of the elite “Hotshot” forest firefighters. - Response to Question RE: Forest Certifications (FSI vs. FSC): John has provided the following link comparing the 2 major US certification labels. Please use the Contact Form if you have further questions, and we will pass them to John: Comparing two Forest Certifications
- Description: How could a lush, tropical-sounding place like Hawaii, catch fire? This 12-minute supplemental video to our Climate Series, delves into some of the legacy circumstances that made such a fire almost inevitable. This brief exploration, taking a watershed perspective, touches on colonialism and its plantations, how the natural landscape was changed, how water rights shifted, warnings through the years were ignored, and so on.
Global Church Members Affected by Climate Change
Additional Topics and Perspectives
This section contains additional topics and perspectives - sometimes eclectic - not always covered in the main sessions. This section is included because: (a) climate change is such an all-encompassing issue that the main sessions cannot adequately cover all subject matter; and (b) we believe in Diversity and thus this section allows a broader set of perspectives which should enable a resonance with a wider audience.
The Gift of a Poem: The following poem, created for us by Karen Kunkel, was gifted to us for our Climate series: A Bridge of Hope. (Basic PDF text is Here);